(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[AGA]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[5400]OT[5x40 byo-yomi]GN[4th AGA Pro Qual Finals Elimination round Aaron Ye (W) - Ben Lockhart (B) ]PW[Aaron Ye]PB[Ben Lockhart]WR[七段]BR[七段]DT[2016-01-06]RO[1DG2]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]US[Esther Jun]RE[黑胜1.50];B[cp];W[pq]C[Jermelle [?]: Go aaron!];B[dd];W[pc];B[qo]C[peter45 [3d]: uhm didnt they play each other already ?pippo: why is not possible to kibitz on usgo3?];W[qk]C[Warfreak2 [-]: goooo benGabriel [1d]: gooooo benpeter45 [3d]: is it still possible for Ben to become pro this year ?];B[op];W[oq];B[np]C[sedgwick [?]: Everyone still has a chancesedgwick [?]: Ben and Aaron now playing best of 3 matchsedgwick [?]: Where the game won earlier by Aaron counts as one of the games, so Aaron leading 1-0 in the matchpeter45 [3d]: ahpeter45 [3d]: interestingpeter45 [3d]: so before it was just a warming upsedgwick [?]: kindof, but the 1-0 matters quite a bit :)peter45 [3d]: surehumblelife [-]: feels a bit unlucky to get ben as an oppoent. not much of a 2nd place prizepeter45 [3d]: but it is good to know that everyone still has a chance];W[nq];B[mp]C[Falcon89 [5k]: i thought no prize in this tourny?Falcon89 [5k]: yeah, peter45];W[mq]C[Koons [?]: n3, for real?];B[lp];W[kq];B[qi]C[humblelife [-]: well the pervious games were for an advantage in this knockout. first place gets a prize. 2nd and 3rd get a consolationcalydon [1d]: is there any introduction of players?....i dont know most of them Move 15];W[ok];B[oi]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: this is already the knockout stage?];W[mk]C[Falcon89 [5k]: ya];B[qe]C[gogonuts [4d]: pushing 3 times and then jumping?gogonuts [4d]: w strange to me at the bottom];W[od]C[Koons [?]: agree gogonuts, n3 is usually followed with tenuki, right?Koons [?]: which would be pretty bad here, i guessKoons [?]: so n3 seemed oddgogonuts [4d]: if you want to jump solidly, surely pushing twice is enoughFalcon89 [5k]: calydon, you may find something here: Photos are being posted to the AGA Facebook and Twitter accounts https://www.facebook.com/AmericanGoAssociation/ https://twitter.com/theagagogonuts [4d]: its a ploy - an obviously bad move' but not too expensive :-) Koons [?]: :)Jermelle [?]: Wait this is already the knock-out round?gogonuts [4d]: yBeefSaku [1k]: YeahJermelle [?]: WowBeefSaku [1k]: If Aaron wins, he advances and Ben gets knocked outJermelle [?]: A lot hanging, it seemsgogonuts [4d]: or vice versa :-) Koons [?]: no, not vice versa i thinkKoons [?]: i think ben has to win twice];B[mi]C[Falcon89 [5k]: Jerm, you'll be in this fighting ring in 2017gogonuts [4d]: the first game counts?Koons [?]: yeah, prelim countsgogonuts [4d]: that is weirdJermelle [?]: hehegogonuts [4d]: seems to make some sense, but depends too much on the pairinggogonuts [4d]: you could be best, but have lost to the weakest playerKoons [?]: i suspect, but haven't checked that all the higher seeds beat their opponent in prelimgogonuts [4d]: and then you start ko in a holeJermelle [?]: Oh, it's a toss between Eric and Aaron this year.];W[kk];B[jp]C[Koons [?]: apparently the one space jump is NEVER wronggogonuts [4d]: on the upside, it gives the round robin a lot more meaningJermelle [?]: Yeah aaron likes to jumpgogonuts [4d]: but too much luck involved in the pairing];W[jq];B[ip]C[gogonuts [4d]: myungwan kim said: one space jump almost never best :-) Jermelle [?]: That's funny because Aaron is Myungwan's student];W[cf];B[di]C[quahog [3k?]: are you sure...I thought he was Yilun's studentgogonuts [4d]: myungwan prob just hates lazy thinkingUSGO3 [-]: We are now in the Elimination rounds which are a best of 3 (with the first game having already been played in the round robin section)USGO3 [-]: You can find the latest results and game records on the AGA website: http://www.usgo.org/aga-professional-results-2015quahog [3k?]: of course he may get lessons from multiple prosJermelle [?]: ^Jermelle [?]: That's also true];W[ef];B[fc]C[Warfreak2 [-]: elimination rounds?];W[bd]C[Warfreak2 [-]: does that mean ben can still be pro?];B[cc]C[gogonuts [4d]: yes];W[bi]C[Jermelle [?]: Yeah.Warfreak2 [-]: GO BENKayres [4k]: GO AARON];B[md]C[vaansama [1d?]: tobi-landgogonuts [4d]: hard to judge this positionJermelle [?]: I only jump if I want the center to be uselessgogonuts [4d]: n3 should make it good for b :-) ];W[ph]C[Jermelle [?]: well, jump out 4 times that is ^^;;];B[pi]C[gogonuts [4d]: but how far can that lastJermelle [?]: Depends on how you handle it.Jermelle [?]: ooo, didn't this peep just make the n9 stones weaker?gogonuts [4d]: i didnt like b investing k4 j4gogonuts [4d]: because b was already a little stronger than normalJermelle [?]: Now it's stronger];W[kp];B[ko]C[gogonuts [4d]: can q12 be ok?Koons [?]: well, at least it was sentegogonuts [4d]: if all w has is q14 its too expensive];W[ep]C[miao [6d]: he has also p14gogonuts [4d]: r13 is actually much harder now than without the peep];B[pl]C[Jermelle [?]: peep central];W[pk]C[Koons [?]: what an odd looking gameJermelle [?]: Black probably did that to get his m5 and k5 cut points feeling stronger?gogonuts [4d]: q8 harder to judgeKoons [?]: i'd just j9 and see what happensKoons [?]: i'm not much of a planner :)miao [6d]: what is e4gogonuts [4d]: lolmiao [6d]: such a stange movegogonuts [4d]: miao not happymiao [6d]: not at all :(Jermelle [?]: yeah e4 doesn't have a good follow up imogogonuts [4d]: just k16?Jermelle [?]: j4 messing with itmiao [6d]: my feeling is s17miao [6d]: or e3Warfreak2 [-]: my feeling is ben should be progogonuts [4d]: lolKoons [?]: ok, we have several candidatesJermelle [?]: Miao, as black?];B[eq]C[Jermelle [?]: My feeling is e3, white can't follow up wellBeefSaku [1k]: Good call];W[fq];B[dq]C[gogonuts [4d]: f3 feels wrong too];W[fp]C[gogonuts [4d]: w wants to attack bs center?Jermelle [?]: I would have D4, try to mess with the d11 stone just floating there];B[jn]C[Jermelle [?]: hm.gogonuts [4d]: such a strange goalj000 [1k]: Gotta keep em' seperatedgogonuts [4d]: k6 too lazyKoons [?]: that was a tough tenukimafutrct [2d?]: isn't d11 really light? and also, can easily make sabaki?];W[co];B[bo];W[dp];B[cq]C[Koons [?]: seems to help white too muchJermelle [?]: now I like white];W[cn];B[bn];W[cm];B[ik]C[gogonuts [4d]: j9 looks rightgogonuts [4d]: but k6 still was slow :-) Jermelle [?]: I see why he did it, he got timid];W[li];B[mh]C[gogonuts [4d]: still hard to judge the positiongogonuts [4d]: w should add a move, imogogonuts [4d]: k11?];W[jl]C[gogonuts [4d]: j8];B[il];W[im];B[jm]C[miao [6d]: hmmiao [6d]: not sure if this is bestgogonuts [4d]: w wants to get in the drivers seatmiao [6d]: helping whites center group to get some meaning];W[hm]C[gogonuts [4d]: but looks like too muchFredda [6d]: B k11 so good thogogonuts [4d]: now b k11?Fredda [6d]: Yeahgogonuts [4d]: the one w should have played:-) Fredda [6d]: Or g8mafutrct [2d?]: can b L11 ?mafutrct [2d?]: oh, no];B[ji]C[gogonuts [4d]: first time one side is betterFredda [6d]: H7 stones only look like a burden];W[ln]C[gogonuts [4d]: k11 gives b a warm fuzzy feeling];B[lo]C[JeansebL [1d?]: s17 will hurt...];W[qm]C[gogonuts [4d]: that theme has been postponed indefinitelygogonuts [4d]: i think they will keep clawing at each other in the center for a long timegogonuts [4d]: how should b fix lr?];B[mn]C[gogonuts [4d]: with shape :-) Koons [?]: i thought he'd m8Fredda [6d]: M8 remove a lot of bad ajiFalcon89 [5k]: he's been thinking about it after j7 cutKoons [?]: that is why i'm not there, Fredda :)gogonuts [4d]: but no more m10 then];W[lm]C[gogonuts [4d]: can you call m7 tenacious?gogonuts [4d]: or just heavy?Koons [?]: somehow, white has convinced black that he's weakergogonuts [4d]: lol];B[pm]C[gogonuts [4d]: at least he has convinced himselfmiao [6d]: fredda should have a talk with his new stundent];W[ql]C[gogonuts [4d]: is b aiming at o9?];B[nl]C[gogonuts [4d]: nope:-) gogonuts [4d]: q7 was also pretty heavy ...];W[nm];B[mm];W[ml];B[nn];W[nk]C[Koons [?]: b needs to q6 to save shape?gogonuts [4d]: otoh maybe just never mindgogonuts [4d]: ask at h8?];B[lj]C[Koons [?]: ah, the aji i wanted to eliminate iwth m8 peep :)gogonuts [4d]: lolgogonuts [4d]: i meant g8 ofcWarfreak2 [-]: kill the white stonesgogonuts [4d]: a tall orderWarfreak2 [-]: ben has the powerrayheart [?]: I cant understand how the tournament works];W[kj];B[ki]C[gogonuts [4d]: maybe just sente would be nice :-) KoyoToya [-]: What don't you understand?rayheart [?]: The player with best results in tehe round robin starts with one win?gogonuts [4d]: noWarfreak2 [-]: killing in sente is a bit of an ask, gogonutsgogonuts [4d]: the result between the 2 players counts as game 1];W[ij]C[gogonuts [4d]: yes freak :-) ];B[jk];W[jj];B[kl];W[lk];B[rc]C[gogonuts [4d]: good barter by bBeefSaku [1k]: GO BEN GOBeefSaku [1k]: H7 a sad eulogy for white's positionJeansebL [1d?]: ouchKoons [?]: esp good since white could still be vulnerable laterJeansebL [1d?]: s17 hurts so muchmiao [6d]: g8 should be hontemiao [6d]: but i understand b wants to take this point toogogonuts [4d]: yesgogonuts [4d]: w h9 really biggogonuts [4d]: fight for sente nowmafutrct [2d?]: w tenuki b o17?];W[mc]C[gogonuts [4d]: w tenuki h9 is the fighting move - but could die:-) ];B[lc];W[ld]C[gogonuts [4d]: just n15?];B[me]C[humblelife [-]: yeah. having a lot of time guilts you into looking for the absolute best movegogonuts [4d]: lolfrgrn: e4 f3 poor joseki choice];W[kc];B[lb]C[mafutrct [2d?]: explanation?miao [6d]: w is bustedWerfeus [5d]: classic connect under suji hm];W[mb];B[kb]C[Werfeus [5d]: denied];W[kd];B[jc];W[jd];B[ic]C[gogonuts [4d]: that works least of all for w, imoJeansebL [1d?]: ok ben you can't lose this now, stay focused];W[pf]C[pippo: Go sarah!!JeansebL [1d?]: lol jasch [1d]: maybe you all missed that movejasch [1d]: @pippo wrong chatJeansebL [1d?]: jasch, he's just laughing at me because I made that mistake earlier :ppippo: things are deeper than you thought jasch:-)];B[qf]C[jasch [1d]: uh ok. jasch [1d]: apparently];W[qg]C[pippo: go jasch!!!];B[rg]C[agakenny [3d]: black is playing welljasch [1d]: go pippogogonuts [4d]: r13 fixes for bJeansebL [1d?]: I think b puts a lot of pressure on himselfpippo: I rather think w pu himself into troubles in fusekiJeansebL [1d?]: he was probably the 2nd favorite entering the tournamentgogonuts [4d]: odds getting even longer for w];W[mg]C[JeansebL [1d?]: I quite sure he's stronger than Aaron...pippo: n13 is either brilliant or desperateKoyoToya [-]: My thoughts exactlyjasch [1d]: and I am quite sure this game ends in a big banggogonuts [4d]: b m13gogonuts [4d]: if n14 b m15gogonuts [4d]: if w hane cut worksGabriel [1d]: Go Sarah! You got this!Gabriel [1d]: There you go Jean it cancels out now :DKoyoToya [-]: UhhKoyoToya [-]: Wrong game gabeJeansebL [1d?]: lol gabriel :p pippo was faster than you XDFalcon89 [5k]: w is desperate];B[nf]C[Gabriel [1d]: oh wellgogonuts [4d]: oh?Gabriel [1d]: koyo go to the sarah game and you'll see what I meanpippo: I'm always quite fast in picking up wrongdoings, my mum told megogonuts [4d]: ah, works tooKoyoToya [-]: Oh haha];W[ng];B[pe];W[oe];B[of];W[og];B[pg]C[jasch [1d]: so big koFalcon89 [5k]: KO!jasch [1d]: does w have a big enough threat?pippo: b says "let's talk about your ko threats"];W[jb];B[ib];W[pf]C[gogonuts [4d]: should be ok for b, but m13 was easier than o14pippo: is o17 nice?jasch [1d]: m15?gogonuts [4d]: agree m15rayheart [?]: m15 doesnt work o.ojasch [1d]: m15 does work as a ko threat i believe];B[le]C[jasch [1d]: and ben agrees];W[mf];B[ne];W[kf];B[pg]C[pippo: and aaron thx?pippo: if w wins the ko m15 lost points imojasch [1d]: i don't think it didjasch [1d]: cause n14 was allways sente for w];W[ja];B[ia];W[pf];B[ke];W[je];B[pg]C[gogonuts [4d]: cutting at l15 works pretty well while its still kojasch [1d]: b might ignore next m19 threat and end ko];W[la];B[ka]C[gogonuts [4d]: no, answer];W[pf]C[jasch [1d]: okjasch [1d]: ^^gogonuts [4d]: and cutjasch [1d]: cut now?gogonuts [4d]: ah, waitpippo: cleverjasch [1d]: well works too truegogonuts [4d]: w has onemore there ...jasch [1d]: but only as threatgogonuts [4d]: possibly b n19?jasch [1d]: b has only m14 left];B[jf]C[gogonuts [4d]: wowAlife361 [5k?]: I wonder how this 13 guy playing 13th game in a row, is concentrated so high....gogonuts [4d]: despite w threat ...];W[lf];B[pg];W[jb];B[pf];W[ja]C[jasch [1d]: and now ignorejasch [1d]: okhumblelife [-]: why m14 > o16?gogonuts [4d]: setback for bgogonuts [4d]: n19 was better than k14, imoJeansebL [1d?]: actually just the 8th game but yeah... impressive];B[jg]C[jasch [1d]: w got sente toogogonuts [4d]: w gets h9jasch [1d]: thats badAlife361 [5k?]: Yep 8th, sorry :)Alife361 [5k?]: But anyway];W[lh]C[pippo: w won];B[mj]C[dogbert [3d]: h13 soon];W[ih]C[dogbert [3d]: oh, welljasch [1d]: h14?JeansebL [1d?]: doesn't work];B[kg];W[hk]C[gogonuts [4d]: b not amused, but still an open gameJeansebL [1d?]: b was a bit careless and allowed a ko :(Falcon89 [5k]: it's all W around F7JeansebL [1d?]: lost his lead ...pippo: w solved all his problems by losing that ko, b must be sadpippo: luckily enough I'm pushing for sarahFalcon89 [5k]: D11 feels so lonelynero [1k]: d13];B[fg];W[ff];B[hg];W[gc];B[gd];W[fd];B[gb];W[ec];B[fb];W[ed];B[eb]C[sedgwick [?]: f11?];W[gh];B[gg];W[eh];B[bm];W[bl];B[go];W[hl];B[bk];W[cl];B[al];W[am];B[an];W[ck];B[iq];W[ho];B[ir];W[kr];B[rq];W[rr];B[rp];W[sr];B[gp];W[io];B[jo];W[er];B[dr];W[gr];B[gq];W[dc];B[db];W[cd];B[bc];W[jl];B[fn];W[em];B[fm];W[fl];B[en];W[dn];B[qb];W[pn]C[Ube [-]: can white poke that to death?Ube [-]: yeahhhhh];B[on];W[qn];B[rn];W[po];B[pp];W[qq];B[qp];W[rm];B[sm];W[sl];B[sn];W[pb];B[hh];W[gi];B[hi];W[gj];B[ad];W[ae];B[ac];W[be]C[JeansebL [1d?]: that was hugesedgwick [?]: b about 68nero [1k]: m8sedgwick [?]: w 65 + komi?sedgwick [?]: seem w small lead..gogonuts [4d]: b lostgogonuts [4d]: b9 can be capturedgogonuts [4d]: j12 can be savedgogonuts [4d]: just not enough for b];B[es];W[fr]C[sedgwick [?]: s10 biggest?];B[ii];W[qc];B[rb];W[bj];B[fh];W[fi];B[eg];W[dg];B[km];W[rj];B[ri];W[ol];B[om];W[ll];B[ge];W[ie];B[pa];W[oa];B[qa];W[nc];B[sk];W[rl];B[sj];W[if];B[ig];W[nj];B[ni];W[qd];B[rd];W[oo];B[no];W[hd]C[JeansebL [1d?]: h15 ];B[hc]C[jasch [1d]: why not h15??];W[lq]C[USGO5 [-]: You can find the latest results and game records on the AGA website: http://www.usgo.org/aga-professional-results-2015Alife361 [5k?]: l18 is here];B[gl];W[fk];B[gm];W[sq];B[sp]C[kaji82 [3k]: black f15 senteUSGO5 [-]: We have some short (2-4-minute) video game highlights on the Official AGA YouTube channel (user/USGOWeb). Use this playlist to see them all: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqpN3-2FP-kK76a1Eet50HLq_1vZheSwv];W[fe];B[hj];W[gk];B[he];W[id];B[bq];W[ak]C[kaji82 [3k]: q16 ];B[js];W[ks]C[sedgwick [?]: q18 only ko threat, no pt];B[am];W[nl];B[pd];W[oc]C[Alife361 [5k?]: 1p];B[eo];W[do]C[USGO5 [-]: black has 4 byo-yomi periods left];B[hr];W[hp];B[hq];W[ik];B[fs]C[Alife361 [5k?]: L18 is last];W[gs];B[ds];W[jr];B[is];W[rk];B[si];W[in];B[hf];W[kb];B[gf];W[hn];B[gn];W[fo];B[pj];W[kn];B[hs];W[oj];B[qj];W[nd]C[sedgwick [?]: B + 1.5?USGO2 [-]: They are now counting.U [?]: im hoping ben can perform well, i think he has a shot despite his poor performance in round robinUSGO2 [-]: Black wins by 1.5.USGO5 [-]: thanks usgo2Beykakua [-]: thanks])

围棋Aaron Ye棋谱    围棋Ben Lockhart棋谱
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